Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Purse O'Clock City Time Yeah

Dear Bobbi,

You should greet every day with a new super stylin' handbag. How? You might ask. Well, with these great sales I am about to show you, you'll soon learn that ANYTHING is possible.

Take this bag, for example. Nice colors. Hip look. Could be yours for only $27.56, that's nearly HALF of what it originally cost at a whopping $49-!

Two words for this: so nice. I mean come on, for only $58.50 you'd be a fool to pass up this Style & Co. gem.

This could deifnitely be your "everyday" bag.

And now a word from the harshest critic out there, Spencer.

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1 comment:

teh bobbi said...

that is a pretty harsh comment from spencer. i like how you have the america hammer pants in your banner. i did have an affinity for them when i was younger, but mine were flourescent and had fish on them.